
Thursday, July 29, 2010

In all Follower Seriousness

I have been doing this blog thing, on a consistent basis for only a few months now.

I originally started the blog because I wanted somewhere to keep all my recipes in one spot without having cookbooks, binders and lone recipes everywhere.  It has still worked out great and I can just send someone the blog link and they can copy it or write it down.  
And not to toot my own horn, but people constantly ask for recipes.

So then, I get going with my art again, now that the kids are in school and it is at this point that I get going with all my blog posts.  Funny thing is, not very many have anything to do with my art but that will come when school starts.

ANYHOW.... I digress.  
My thing is, the follower thing.  

I have to admit that I really have found some great blogs that I truly LOVE to read.  And I would like to think that there are some of you out there that really do like reading mine. 

Here's the thing I don't get.  Becoming a follower, just to have someone "follow" you back.
I just don't get it.  Really.

And if you are one of those that followers everyone, please explain it to me because
maybe I'm missing something,

I couldn't possibly have my reader filled with blogs that I don't want to read.  And I'm not saying that they are bad blogs, they just don't catch my fancy.  Just like mine won't appeal to everyone.  
When I pick a blog to follow, I will read their posts.  I really try to keep my reader at 0.
It doesn't always happen but I think I do a pretty good job.
Alternatively when someone begins with following me, I visit their blog and thank them for 
visiting but don't always follow back.  I think this is where I am finding I feel a little guilty.

Anyone else out there pick and choose there blogs carefully?


rose AKA Walk in the Woods - she/her said...

I've never understood that either - be it blog or other venues. ::shrugs::


42 things said...

I'm not super careful... I follow and then if I don't end up reading their posts, I just take them out of my reader.

Sometimes it takes a few times before I become hooked on someone's blog.

Now, I don't follow to get them to follow me back... I just give everyone's blog a chance and If I don't like it I take it out.

K(Banterings of a Basketcase) said...

It might not appear as if I am picky- but I am :) I have a number of hours on my hands as I am a sub teacher and my kids are living with their dad, so I can spend time reading blogs that I follow- I am lucky this way. BUT I don't follow everyone that follows me. I have to be interested in what you have to say. I have to see that you are writing in your own voice. and pictures make me happy.


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