
Monday, June 14, 2010

Spiced Popcorn

This original recipe post is from a favorite blog of mine, Food, Wine, & Pod Podge.  I highly suggest giving her a visit.
Start by popping 1/2 cup popcorn in the way that you like. We sometimes do air popped popcorn, but for this recipe, we decided to use Alton Brown's Perfect Popcornpreparation method.

We used 1/2 cup popcorn with 2 tbs peanut oil.

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Toss to coat the kernels in oil, and quickly cover tightly with aluminum foil.

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Poke a few holes in the top to allow the steam to vent.

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Keep it constantly moving so the kernels don't settle. It will start to pop fairly quickly. Don't stop shaking the bowl until all kernels are popped, approximately 3 minutes. Then remove from heat and set aside.

Now grab the ingredients for the spiced topping.

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- 2 tablespoons packed light brown sugar
- 1 teaspoon chili powder
- 1 teaspoon ground cumin
- 1/2 teaspoon chipotle powder (the recipe calls for cayenne, but I couldn't find our cayenne so I substituted it with the chipotle powder)
- 1 teaspoon garlic powder
- 2 teaspoons salt

And of course, we can't forget the most important ingredient of all...

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Butter! The recipe calls for 4 tbs, or 1/2 stick.

Melt the butter, and then add the dry ingredients and stir until the sugar has dissolved and the ingredients have melded together.

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Now go back to your big bowl of popcorn, and very slowly drizzle about 1/4 of the spice mixture on top. Toss the popcorn, and add 1/4 more, then toss, 1/4 more, toss, the last 1/4, and toss again. The goal is even coverage of the popcorn, so however it works for you!

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Now dig in! This is an awesome salty-savory-sweet popcorn, and it goes great with a Corona on a lazy Saturday afternoon! Enjoy!


42 things said...

oh yum, I want to try this. we MUCH prefer stove top pocorn to any other kind.p

rose AKA Walk in the Woods - she/her said...

Sounds - and looks - like something I'll have to try! With an ale. :)


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